Tuesday, December 16, 2008

An Early Resolution

These three baskets contain my ironing pile.  Ironing is one of the last household chores that I get around to.  I like to iron.  I just put everything else before it.  I guess because it's not as important as most other things, and I can iron as we need something to wear.

I know some people who never iron.  This will never be the case around our house, because just about everything we wear is made of natural fibers such as cotton or linen.

But this large pile spilling out of not one but THREE laundry baskets doesn't make me happy.  My goal in 2009 is to iron one day a week and let that take care of it; maybe Tuesday.  I do the biggest loads of laundry on Monday, so it makes sense that the next day will be ironing day.

Another goal is to get rid of extra baggage in my life so I won't mind spending a few hours leisurely ironing because there's nothing better I could be doing.  I hope this happens next year, but I'm not holding my breath.  I'll have to get much wiser in a hurry to be able to pare down my life that much.   Hey!  Stranger things have happened!


Melissa said...

i definitely do not fall in the category of those that do not iron at all, but i do not do all of the ironing at one time...in fact, i have never understood why some prefer that method anyway. I hang everything in our closets after washing. My ironing board is always up in the laundry room, and we iron as we go - either ironing the night before for the next day, or if there is enough time in the morning, then ironing quickly before getting dressed. Works for us...

Candace said...

I let mine pile up as high as yours. I won't iron until Jeremiah is out of shirts because he'll wear the same 5 shirts over and over. I don't want his favorite shirts to wear out, so he has no choice but to wear the ones in the closet until the next ironing marathon.

Nanette said...

When my kids were little I pretty much ironed once a week and then I taught them to iron and they actually prefered doing their laundry and ironing as teenagers. They all had clothes they wanted done different ways. We definitely had things piled though at that point and what we called "tight balled" ha - makes ironing much worse. Now I prefer the iron as you need it route. Hope your new plan works well for you!

Barbara said...

If possible I like to iron as soon as the clothes come off the line, but not always possible of course.
Freshly dried and still a little damp and it takes half of the time.
Thanks for visiting and a Happy Christmas.

Katy said...

I do not like to iron at all. However, I have come to appreciate the iron more as I have been using it for transferring embroidery patterns!

Old Centennial Farmhouse said...

Oh,the dreaded ironing pile. I began something to take the guilt that pile burdened me with: I go ahead and hang everything up in the closet, as it comes out of the dryer. Amazing, some of the wrinkles do come out as they hang if I take the shirts out of the dryer when they are part way dry.

If the wrinkles do not come out, I can still iron the items as needed, but they AREN'T sitting in a basket getting even MORE wrinkled! So, no guilt sitting in baskets anymore for me! I thought this might help you. A friend shared this idea with me and it actually worked! Love your blog!