Thursday, October 23, 2008

100 Push-up Challenge

I'm into week 5 of the 100 push-up challenge.  I signed up at their website and have been following the guidelines.  Initially you take a test to see how many consecutive push-ups you can do.  I did 11 on the first test.  These were straight leg push-ups; not girly ones.  Each week they give you a chart to follow.  You do them for three days each week and rest between.  

I took another test between weeks 4 and 5, and I can now do 66 in a row!  That's a pretty big jump and not too bad for a 52-year-old.  I hope I'll be about to do 100 straight at the end of the 6 weeks.  They say I can.  I think I can.  I guess we'll see in about a week.


laurel said...

Yay Mom!
You can doooooo it!! I beeeelieeevvvee in you!

Melissa said...

Way to go - I am very impressed! Are you going to challenge Garrett next time he is home?

Nanette said...

You are setting a setting a great example. I'm not saying I can do that, but I am now thinking about how to fit a little more movement into my routine. Thanks Debbie!

lydia said...

Dang! That is amazing! I'm afraid to even see what my number would be right now....

Katy said...

Man, I'm impressed! I don't think I can even do ONE! Upper body strength has never been my thing, but I sure could do some sit ups back in the day!