Monday, July 6, 2009


I've been harvesting and drying leaves for various purposes.

The raspberry leaves in the blue bowl will be dried and used in tea for PMS symptoms. A good friend of mine gets them to use for her teenage daughter. They are also used to treat diarrhea.

The leaves on the red-checked towel are basil and will be used in spaghetti and lasagna. Basil kills intestinal parasites and stimulates the immune system.

I've also been drying oregano to use in my Italian dishes. I also dry rosemary and sweet bay leaves. In fact, I've got a ton of those two. Anyone who wants some, please come and get it!


Melissa said...

...i am drinking raspberry leaf tea to tone my pregnant uterus...hopefully it will thank me by giving me a very effective (quick but not too quick) labor!! Good to know about the PMS use too - goodness knows we'll have plenty of that over here :)

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