Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Spiritual Reading List for 2009

Here is the list of spiritual books I plan on reading during my morning worship time.  I read in one for about fifteen minutes to get me in the 'zone'.  Then I read some in the Psalms and the rest of the Bible, then pray some.  I break it up into fifteen minute segments and try to keep at it from 6:00-7:00 a.m.   

This morning I was up and down like a jack-in-the-box.  But it's more than I would have done in bed!  So here's the list:
1.  The Weight of Glory-C.S. Lewis-This one is blowing me away!  More later.
2.  From the Library of C.S. Lewis, Selections from writers who influenced his spiritual journey
3.  The Peace Maker-Ken Sande
4.  Simple Abundance, a Daybook of Comfort and Joy-Sarah Ban Breathnach-I don't know if this author is a Christian or not.  It's one of those books that anyone 'spiritual' can get something out of.  I read it from a Christian viewpoint and like it quite a lot.
5.  Thoughts in Solitude-Thomas Merton
6.  The Praying Christian, God's Warrior-John M. Otis
7.  The Puritans on Prayer-I'm trying to be a better prayer warrior.
8.  The Cloud of Unknowing-Author Unknown-I read this several years ago and really liked it.

This list will last all year; maybe longer since I only read in them for fifteen minutes each morning.  


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

The writer of Simple Abundance is more "New Age" than Christian.

Having said that, I still think it is a wonderful book.

You are right, when read from a Christian perspective it is great.

I took a couple of her later books out of the library and they are far more into "weird" religion. This one was a gem.

Her first book was Mrs. Sharp's Traditions, which was reprinted a couple years ago.

Laura A said...

Ah, I really like *The Weight of Glory,* too! I've read it many times. I think "Transposition" is my favorite essay in it. Enjoy!