Saturday, November 1, 2008

Bringing Home the Goods and Cleaning up the Mess

We got home last night a little after midnight from our week away.  So today is unpacking day with a little piddling thrown in for good measure.

This is a corner of my kitchen.  It was actually clean when I got home even though one grown son and my husband had been home alone for a week.   Said son had a friend stay overnight, so this morning I made them waffles, sausages, and coffee.  The rest of the mess is stuff from the trip that needs to be put away.

See the box behind the glasses?  That has twelve pints of homemade applesauce in it sent home with me by my Mama.   I'll put that up on the top shelf with my green beans and pumpkin.  She also canned some for my married son and his wife and Laurel's family.  Mama deserves a whole separate blog entry, so more about her later.  We left their house last night and I talked to her for two hours this morning.  We obviously  didn't get our visit out!

I found several Christmas presents on the trip.  We were afraid we were going to have to tie the children to the top of the van to get all our junk home.  Just kidding!!!  We also bought several big bags of North Georgia apples.  We're just going to eat ours since Mama made us the applesauce.  I won't have to put any up this fall. 

What I need to do is get the muscadines out of the freezer from LAST summer and make jam.  Gayle (husband) said the deer he killed would be ready to be picked up on Friday from the processor's place so "make room for it in the freezer".  Easier said than done!  Our freezer is like the woman's oil in the Bible; it never runs dry.  We eat and eat out of it, and it never seems to empty.  I guess that's a good thing.

Since finishing the 29-days of giving, I want to continue in the same spirit of giving and make it a lifechange.  So maybe I could make food for people who need it.  In our church, someone is always having a baby.  New moms always need an extra meal.  Yes, that's what I'll do.  That will be a good form of denial for me since cooking isn't one of my most favorite things to do.  Not that I don't like it.  I just wouldn't pick it from a list of fun things to do.  


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

One of our young friends from church brought by two bags of venison for our freezer last week. She was making room for more in her freezer.

Her hubby had good success on a hunting trip in Southern Indiana so they had meat getting processed from that recent trip.

I haven't had venison in YEARS. :)

charlotte carroll said...

since you aren't putting any up... can I borrow your squeezo?!!!

Anonymous said...

The meals thing is a really good idea. When my 3rd child was born, my moms group organized 2 or 3 meals/week for six weeks. It was a lifesaver. By far the most useful and helpful baby gift I ever received.