Saturday, July 7, 2012

Read What You Enjoy

"Never force yourself to read a book that you do not enjoy. There are so many good books in the world that it is foolish to waste time on one that does not give you pleasure and profit." Professor Atwood H. Townsend

I've finally gotten to the place where I can take Professor Townsend's advice. Last week I put down two library books that I just couldn't get into for whatever reason. Maybe I'll come back to them later or maybe not. They just didn't capture my attention right now, and that's okay. No guilt.


Sara at Come Away With Me said...

Professor Atwood H. Townsend was a wise man. Like you, I have finally come to the place where I set aside books that do not please for whatever reason, with no guilt. There are so many others out there waiting to be found...

M.K. said...

I agree. That was one downside of classroom teaching all those years. I'd need to reread the novels I assigned for my students, so they were fresh on my mind. But it seemed such a waste of precious reading time! Here were wonderful books I longed to read (or sometimes reread) of my own choice, but I had to read Red Badge of Courage or The Awakening or Huck Finn all over again. Sigh.

Pom Pom said...

Truth! I reread my favorites, too! Words work in miraculous ways, so holy, so good.
You told us that you could never read all your books and I'll remember that forever.
Take care, good reader.

Heather said...

I used to force myself to read certain books, sure that they were going to have value to me in some way or another. I've gotten over that and will now just set the book aside and start on another if I find myself struggling through the first chapter. Even if it is a classic or many people have recommended it. I just figure it's not right for me at this time in my life. Maybe I'll try to revisit it later and I'll connect with it then, or maybe not at all. Life's too short and there are so many books out there. I figure I may as well read the ones "for me."

Unknown said...

I remember giving myself permission to not finish a book and it was so freeing! There's no sense in reading something you don't enjoy or benefit from!