Monday, August 9, 2010

A Summer Beauty

Isn't this butterfly a beauty? I was standing beside the Hiwassee River with one of my grandsons waiting for Gayle (husband) and Darcie (daughter) to come floating by so I could snap their photos. There were butterflies everywhere. This one cooperated by being still for a few seconds. So beautiful yet so delicate.

Double click on it and you can really see the colors.


Pom Pom said...

I have never seen a butterfly like that! It's gorgeous, Debbie! Thank you!

Nancy said...

I love butterflies and this one is beautiful.....I have loads of them on my other blog...

That must have been a wonderful day....

Leslie said...

Beautiful! What a perfect shade of blue! Great picture!!!!

GretchenJoanna said...

What a find--I've also never seen any butterfly so blue and bright.