Friday, August 27, 2010

5 by 55

In October, I'll be 55 years old. The bucket list I made earlier hasn't had anything marked off in a long time. So I picked five of the easiest things to accomplish and am hoping to get them done by my birthday.

Here's my list:
1. Make a Victoria Sponge Cake
2. Begin reading Samuel Pepys Diary
3. Revamp my wardrobe (The original entry on my bucket list said "To wear the cutest clothes ever" This will help me get started on that goal.
4. Buy a fabulous pair of brown boots
5. Get completely organized; paperwork under control

I have exactly sixty days to accomplish my list. I'd say it's doable. I'll give it my best shot.


Nancy said...

You can do girl....I believe in you......Let us know how it's going.....

Have a great weekend...

Pom Pom said...

I have just the boots for you. I'll email you the link!

Leslie said...

Yes, you can do this! I really like this idea. I will be 44 in Sept. I wonder if there are 4 things I can do? Hmmm...must give this thought.

GretchenJoanna said...

I am impressed! Having a plan is half the battle, and you are smart to bite of a good, but doable, chunk to keep you busy for 2 months. Won't that be a good feeling, to check off five things!