Wednesday, October 14, 2009

An Afternoon in my Life

Here's how I'm spending a rainy afternoon in Georgia.

Avoiding the housecleaner by hanging out in my studio

Listening to the rain on the tin roof of the studio

Reading new blogs

Drinking a mixture of sweet tea and Monavie

Packing a bag for my watercolors to use in the mountains next week

Wanting to go eat another delicious eggroll made by Laurel

Feeling the breeze made by the ceiling fan

Admiring the new curtain just hung on the door of the studio I made out of an old, white sheet

Looking forward to curling up under a flannel quilt on the couch with the 7th Outlander book

Dreading going out in the rain to take my car in for repairs

Anticipating nodding off over said Outlander book and taking a snooze

So I'd better go in the house and eat that eggroll, read that book, and take that nap. Toodles!

1 comment:

laurel said...

Ah, it was a perfect day for staying home and cozying up! I am excited you liked the egg rolls. You and daddy and Darcie will have to come over one night and we will make them again. Thanks for having us for dinner, it was nice.