I had an adjoining room next door to three ten year old girls. It wasn't too bad; kind of fun actually. It was like summer camp. I had a lot of free time to catch up on my e-mails, read, write, lay by the pool, and anything else I wanted to do.
I went to Wal-Mart five times! Funny how I don't mind going there when I'm out of town. I'll bet I don't darken the door of our local Hell-Mart more than 3-4 times a year. It always takes so much time. I never want to sacrifice the time when I'm in my town. Too many other things to do, I guess. But on vacation, all I have is time, so I don't mind rambling the aisles. My husband never understands why I want to go there when we're on vacation. Weird, I know.
I found a grill thingy that lays on top of two stove eyes and has marks to make paninis. I hope I spelled that right. Spell check says it's wrong, but what do they know? They also said thingy isn't a word. Sheesh!!! I love a panini with pesto!
So, I think this horse love is here to stay. She's willing to give up dancing for it. Time won't allow both as they are both labor intensive. Of course she wants a horse. Even though we have the room to pasture one, I don't want the bother and worry of a horse. The stables are five minutes away, so she'll just have to love the ones there.
So, I think this horse love is here to stay. She's willing to give up dancing for it. Time won't allow both as they are both labor intensive. Of course she wants a horse. Even though we have the room to pasture one, I don't want the bother and worry of a horse. The stables are five minutes away, so she'll just have to love the ones there.
I do think it's helping her to be more confident and to get outside of herself. And those of you with young girls or can remember your own girlhood, that's ALWAYS a challenge! "It's a good thing," as Martha says.