This is going to be a rant and rave post. I'll rarely do this here, but I can't keep quiet about this. Today I went to see the new Batman movie. It was extremely loud and violent. I covered my ears for half of the movie. Sitting in front of me was a young couple with a little girl of about two years old.
This movie is rated PG-13 but should have been a R. She cried for about half the movie with her parents continually taking her out and bringing her back in.
After it was over, I walked by them. The baby had fallen asleep in her mother's arms. I said to her, "I hope she didn't see any of that." She smiled and said, "She's fine!" in a sugary sweet voice. I answered back, "I'd be really distressed if she heard or saw any of that!" She said again, "She slept through the whole thing. She's fine!" No she didn't and no she isn't.
I guess they thought that she'd go to sleep and everything would be fine. But, to me, they should have gotten a babysitter and left her at home to take her nap in her own bed. If they couldn't find one, they should have stayed home. Are they super selfish, or what's going on?
A friend saw the same thing happen a few days ago for the same movie. What is wrong with these parents? Do they have no thought about what they're exposing their children to?
I remember seeing The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock when I was ten or eleven and was terrified until about five years ago. That's about forty years of being scared of that movie. I decided to conquer my fear and watch it again. It's still frightening but I was able to finally let it go.
If I was that scared at ten, what will life be like for a two year old who sees a much scarier movie than The Birds. Another friend said he saw a child in Saw!
I am very worried about these children and what effect seeing all these gruesome and violent
movies will have on them and our society.
I'm turning into the old lady who doesn't mind speaking her mind to strangers. I remember a few older ladies saying things to me when my children were small. I can't remember now what I had done, but it wasn't anything as bad as letting my babies see violent movies. Their comments had a good influence on me, so maybe mine will too. I pray that will be the case.