These are photos I took last summer at the folk school when I took a week-long photography class. As usual, the experience was great! I just happened to stay during Musicians Week. There was music all over the campus all day long.
When we lined up at the cafeteria to eat, there were people playing bluegrass on the porch.
During the morning get together before breakfast there was music. Before going to bed at night there was music. Music all day long.
The photo at bottom was the final Friday night concert with English folk dancing. So is the one with the cute girl in the doorway wearing her dancing boots. I was too chicken to dance, but maybe I'll have more nerve next year. I hope to go back during the same week. I just hope I can find a class I'd like to take during that time.
The red door is the entrance to Keith House, the oldest building on campus. This is where the dances are held, the offices are located, and you can get a cup of tea or coffee. There are dorm rooms on the second floor. The photo of the bed is in the room where I stayed.
I was assigned to a room with three other ladies; complete strangers all. I wasn't crazy about that, but it worked out fine. By the end of the week, we were all good friends.
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