Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I've finally recovered from Christmas. It took three days of resting and sleeping. I admit that I brought on most of it myself. I was SO laid back and relaxed before the holidays that I waited until the last minute to shop and cook. This shot the stress factor through the roof. Usually I'm through with my shopping in July or August. I like to pick up things throughout the year when I see then. THIS year I was shopping on Christmas Eve. The selection was good and the crowds weren't bad, but the fear of not finding what I wanted really brought on the stress. Stupid, I know.

So then I spend Christmas Eve and Day angry at my family (especially husband) because I have all this cooking to do and they're not helping as much as I think they should. I'll say it again as I've said it many times before, "I'm my own worst enemy." Sorry, my family, for being a grouch at such a special time.

Note to self: Go back to buying gifts all year and finish in the fall at the latest. Start cooking as early as possible and freeze what food I can for the holidays.

During the twelve days of Christmas, through January 5, I'm rereading last year's journals and going over my 2009 Goals. I didn't get as many of them accomplished as I would have liked so will focus my efforts there as well as making new Goals for 2010. Wow! Typing 2010 seems so futuristic. I'm not even sure how to say it. Is it two thousand ten or twenty ten? I guess either is correct. It just sounds so sci-fi.


Anonymous said...

2010 does sound space-age, doesn't it? I remember when "Space 1999" was on TV and that seemed eons away!!

Some of my goals from years ago are still not fulfilled yet! :)

Anonymous said...

I just ordered Creative Call from Amazon with gifted money!! So we will read together!!!

Brandy said...

Did you get an SLR for Christmas? Which one did you get? So exciting!!

Brandy said...

Also, there was a whole "depate" on NPR about whether it should be called two thousand ten or twenty ten. Their verdict was...

Mr.�LASSER: I think when you put the year, when it's describing something, like the nineteen-eighty-five Bears, the fiercest team ever, if you're when the year is describing a noun, I think you can go into the truncated version. So if you said the twenty-ten Nike super shoe, like that's fine, but when you talk about the year on itself, like a noun, like a proper noun, like a person, like a citizen, it would be two-thousand and ten.

SIEGEL: As in the great twenty-ten controversy. What shall we call the year two-thousand ten?

I thought it was really funny and interesting, you can hear it here...

Anonymous said...

A note about a comment you left on Content at Home blog. Great Britain in the United Kingdom is made up of England, Wales and Scotland. Therefore someone living in Britain can be either English, Welsh or Scottish. But they are still British whether English, Welsh or Scottish.
Mary (living in Wales which is part of Great Britain), therefore I am Welsh and British

Brandy said...

I got the xs. In addition to the manual I have been using this site to help me understand ISO, Shutter Speed, and Apature... You may be way beyong that, but if not you might want to check it out.

Pom Pom said...

You reminded me to dig up The Creative Call. I think I know what pile it is in!
I think one goal of mine is to add something soft and good to every day. I'm off to buy kitty sand to fill up my luminaries. I love the candlelight lining the driveway. Then, I'll go out and look at the moon. I will spray lavender scent on my pillow, put cream in my tea, read myself poems with my best and clearest reading voice, and keep reading blogs so people like you become a part of me. Thank you.